Research Link 410a
Atmospheric processes, urban/building green and pavements
These aspects are active components within the research link:
We quantify the effects of modified urban land cover on urban climates by applying the statistical relations between the fractions of different types of urban land cover (e.g. urban green and open spaces, built-up areas of different morphologies, water surfaces) and the resulting climate statistics. The results are used for computing urban climate projections for a multitude of urban land cover projections.
Micro-scale studies targeting on analyses of modifications of energy- and water-balance components and further atmospheric variables in street canyons caused by various forms of green facades at buildings and different types of pavements by observational studies.
Another component of this Research-Link are Sensitivity studies using ENVI-met for quantifying the effect of different forms of green facades and pavements on Tmrt and other atmospheric variables and the computation of differences in human-biometeorological indexes caused by modified green facades and pavements.
Involved sub-projects
RM 1.1 "Regional Climate" |
RM 1.2 "Urban Climate" |
RM 4.1 "Building Green" |