Research Cluster 520
Present-day heat-stress hazards, vulnerabilities and risks
We statistically reanalyse indoor atmospheric conditions for the warm seasons for the whole analysis period from 2001 to 2010. The indoor atmospheric reanalyses are restricted to building configurations.
Following the concept for quantifying heat-stress hazards we compute hourly time series of heat-stress intensities by testing various approaches. The individual magnitude of each heat-stress event, time series of annual magnitudes, as well as annual mean magnitudes of outdoor heat stress are computed from the hourly intensities for different spatial aggregation schemes. Analogously, we compute the magnitudes for the indoor conditions in the studied buildings.
The magnitudes of the heat-stress events are analysed with respect to recurrence intervals from which the magnitude-frequency relations can be derived.
Based on the empirical data on heat-stress risks provided by Research Module 3 we are able to statistically analyse the correlations between heat-stress hazards and risks. Temporal analyses are based on cross-correlations between magnitudes and effects, while spatial analyses are possible both for magnitude/effect- and hazard/risk relations.
The analysis of the spatial patterns of event magnitudes results in a quantification of the areas exposed to the hazard. This enables us to quantify the mean sensitivities of the elements at risk exposed to the hazard to show the adverse effect defining the specific risk.
The results will be compared to other approaches for analysing vulnerability and risks followed by Research Module 3.