Research Cluster 540
Efficiency of actions for reducing heat-stress risks

The same list of actions studied in Research Cluster 530 "Effectiveness of actions for reducing heat-stress risks" will be analysed with respect to various, action-specific side effects. In particular, we collaboratively analyse changes in buildings energy demands for heating and cooling of buildings, changes in water demands and risks of water shortages for non-irrigated urban/building green. The sub-projects using conceptual or numerical models will perform qualitative and quantitative sensitivity studies for those actions and side effects covered by their models.

A specific topic to be studied in this Research Cluster is the analysis of changes in city-wide greenhouse gas emissions of Berlin caused by changes in the building energy demands for heating and cooling. We are able to identify those actions generating synergies between adaptation to climate change by effectively reducing heat-stress risks and mitigation of climate change by concurrently reducing total building energy demands and associated greenhouse gas emissions.

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Quick Contact

Prof. Dr. Dieter Scherer (TUB)
Prof. Dr. Tobia Lakes (HUB)
Dr. Ute Fehrenbach (TUB)
Dr. Fred Meier (TUB)


Map of our observations:

UCaHS Observation Network
Latest Publication:
Donner, J., Sprondel, N. F. and J. Köppel (2017): Climate Change Adaptation to Heat Risk at the Local Level: A Bayesian Network Analysis of Local Land-Use Plan Implementation. Journal of Environmental Assessment Policy and Management, 19 (2).
Follow-on projects:
Heat waves in Berlin, Germany – Urban climate modifications

BMBF Programme Urban Climate Under Change

Urban Vertical Green 2.0