Research Cluster 510
From regional weather and climate to indoor climates

Interconnections between urban outdoor climate, outdoor heat stress (Research Module 1.2) and indoor heat stress (Research Module 2) are the main task of this Research Cluster. Process understanding on sensitivity of indoor heat stress to varying local-scale atmospheric conditions are reached by collaborative research and improved transfer functions on outdoor-indoor interface.
Measurements at the collaboration sites are conducted. The sub-project "Urban Climate" equipped the outer façades with measurement devices for shortwave radiation (vertical oriented, amount of short-wave radiation received by the outer façade of the investigated hospital rooms and apartments). Additionally, air temperature, relative humidity and surface temperatures are measured. For indoor conditions the four parameters air temperature, humidity, wind speed and mean radiant temperature are measured. Furthermore, a thermographic camera is used to get information about indoor surface temperatures on walls.
The results can be coupled and used to develop a statistical model, which allows the calculation of indoor thermal indices from outdoor conditions for a certain building. The model will also be used to evaluate the sensitivity of indoor conditions to outdoor conditions and the assessment of possible time lags in the occurrence of peaks of outdoor and indoor heat stress.

The detailed 3D-thermal room models, including sub-models of the building physics of the building construction enable a transformation from urban climate values (temperatures, solar irradiation, moisture, wind speed) to 3D-distributed indoor climate conditions. Within this Research Cluster typical standard room configurations, such as office or patient rooms with a thermal light, normal or heavy construction are analyzed regarding to their local indoor climate conditions for given regional weather data of Berlin.

Models are used for the evaluation of limitations for specific weather conditions with respect to varying indoor conditions as identified by Research Modules 2 and Research Module 3. Furthermore the influence of anthropogenic heat will be analyzed from the aspect of A/C-system contribution.

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Quick Contact

Prof. Dr. Dieter Scherer (TUB)
Prof. Dr. Tobia Lakes (HUB)
Dr. Ute Fehrenbach (TUB)
Dr. Fred Meier (TUB)


Map of our observations:

UCaHS Observation Network
Latest Publication:
Donner, J., Sprondel, N. F. and J. Köppel (2017): Climate Change Adaptation to Heat Risk at the Local Level: A Bayesian Network Analysis of Local Land-Use Plan Implementation. Journal of Environmental Assessment Policy and Management, 19 (2).
Follow-on projects:
Heat waves in Berlin, Germany – Urban climate modifications

BMBF Programme Urban Climate Under Change

Urban Vertical Green 2.0